The one and only comprehensive overview of leather events in the Netherlands!

Did we miss something? Add your event:

    We list all events that agree with the following conditions:

    1. The event takes place in The Netherlands
    Events that take place abroad but are organized by XXXLeather, Bluf Amsterdam, MSA or Mister / MIss Leather Netherlands will be listed as well.

    2. Leather Friends are actively welcomed.
    Some events cater exclusively to specific parts of the Leather friends community. We will list this in the event notes.

    3. The event is held at a public location.
    So yes to festivals, clubnights, beers in bars, camping trips and parades. No to house parties and chills.

    Our aim is to list all events that qualify. However we can still decide to not list an event if we feel is does not belong on this calendar.